My First Thanksgiving!

All these holidays that people have.  I don't understand them yet.
But who is arguing?  I get to see my family!

First we went to Nana and Grandpa Briggs' house!

I got all dressed up and pretty for the visits!

My Great Grandma Rabe was there too!

She told me I had "dexterity" which must mean something about getting into trouble.
So I tried to take her glasses off!

I think I can see myself.

Next we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Morris' house.  Momma and Daddy ate there.

I got to meet my Great Aunt Barb!  I had to read my bib to her since she had too much hair.

She has a good sense of humor though.  She made me laugh!

I met my Daddy's cousin Jeff too!  I know he's related to me, but nobody could decide what I should call him. 
I think I'll just call him Jeff.

The pattern on his shirt was mesmerizing.  Momma and Daddy are glad I didn't notice his earring!

I got to see my Great Grandma Feustel too!  She said I was becoming a little person now.

Uuuggghhh...  Daddy and the camera.  I enjoyed seeing everybody though!